Frankly Frankie

She can’t wait to share all the crazy thoughts in her head! She is a Counsellor who has lived in USA, Canada, UK and occasional NFA. She describes herself as a parent, wife, friend, drinking partner, gutter girl and risk taker (but only after too much Gin)! She tried to jump on a trampoline last week and wet herself. She reports knowing that jumping, as well as laughing and coughing past 40 is risky, but did it anyway. Patrica would love to get a tattoo, but she can’t think of anything inspirational to say, only jokes, and is not sure “This is a joke” on her ass is worth it.

Scoprite il segreto di una pelle senza rughe

Se su un’etichetta leggo “antirughe” o “per una pelle liscia e senza rughe” io compro qualsiasi cosa. Una volta ho…

7 anni da

Perché tutti i terapisti annuiscono allo stesso modo?

[:it] terapisti La maggior parte della gente al giorno d'oggi va in analisi ed è diventata una cosa normalissima dire:…

7 anni da